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AutoPi Docker Integration

Manage your code in a secure and standardized method

Utilize Docker containers as a core building block in creating modern applications and platforms.

Benefits and features

A configurable tool to gain a large amount of insightful telematics data

Ship more software more quickly

Docker users ship software 7 times more frequently than non-Docker users. Docker allows you to deploy isolated services as frequently as you need.

Streamline operations

Small containerized applications make it simple to deploy, identify issues, and roll back to fix them.

Move with ease

Docker-based applications may be smoothly migrated from local development machines to AutoPi production deployments.

Spend less money

Docker containers make it easy to execute more code on each server, increasing utilization and lowering costs.

Docker architecture

Package and execute your applications in a sandbox environment


Deploy applications in a timely and consistent manner

Docker simplifies the development lifecycle by allowing developers to work in a uniform environment while deploying apps and services using local containers. Containers are useful for processes involving continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).

Scalability and responsive deployment

The container-based Docker technology allows for extremely portable workloads. Docker containers can operate on a developer's laptop, on a real or virtual system in a data center, on a cloud provider, or in several other contexts. Because of Docker's mobility and lightweight nature, it is also simple to dynamically manage workloads and swiftly grow or shut down applications and services based on business requirements.

More workloads may be run on the same hardware

Docker is lightweight and fast. It offers a practical and cost-effective alternative to hyper-based virtual machines, allowing you to harness greater processing power to achieve your business goals. Docker is excellent for high-density situations as well as small to medium-sized deployments that require more with less.


Why AutoPi Docker Integration?

AutoPi Docker Integration is a fully customizable tool to ship, test, and deploy your applications quickly. The Docker Integration is designed to enable you to separate your applications from your infrastructure, increase productivity and deliver software swiftly. Additionally, Docker integration enables you to utilize existing software by containerizing it, meaning regardless of where the application is deployed, everything remains consistent.

A container consists of custom software and all dependencies needed to run it, which is then bundled in one image and can be executed on a Docker host, similar to the AutoPi TMU device. And ultimately enables you to run your software in a standardized, isolated environment on each device. E.g., on AutoPi Cloud.

Something unclear?

Frequently asked questions

Docker is an open software platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker allows you to bundle software into standardized units known as containers, which include everything the software requires to execute, e.g., libraries, system tools, code, and runtime. Docker allows you to swiftly deploy and grow applications in any environment while remaining certain that your code will run.

Docker Integration with AutoPi provides developers and administrators with a highly dependable, low-cost approach to design, deploy, and run distributed applications at any scale. A fully customizable solution that offers better application administration and complete system control.

By offering a common mechanism to run your code, Docker Integration allows you to install and manage Docker containers on your AutoPi TMU devices. Docker is essentially a container operating system that makes it simple to design, distribute, and execute your applications on the devices in your fleet by utilizing containers with your own software.

A Docker container is a Docker image that can be executed. The Docker API allows you to create, launch, stop, move, and destroy containers. You may attach storage to a container, link it to one or more networks, or even construct a new image based on its existing state. A container is pretty well separated from other containers and its host computer by default. You can specify how well a container's network, storage, or other underlying subsystems are isolated from other containers or the host computer. A container's image is the configuration parameters you provide when you build, start, or describe it. When a container is removed, all state changes that were not saved in persistent storage are lost.

A Docker image is a read-only template that contains instructions for launching a Docker container. To construct your own image, for example, you generate a Dockerfile with a simple syntax for outlining the actions required to produce and execute the image. Each Dockerfile instruction adds a layer to the image. Only the layers that have changed are rebuilt when you edit the Dockerfile and rebuild the image. When compared to other virtualization systems, this is part of what makes images so lightweight, tiny, and quick.

Consider the following example of how you might need Docker:
  • Your developers build code locally and use Docker containers to share it with their peers.
  • Docker is used to putting programs into a test environment and running automated and manual testing.
  • When developers discover bugs, they may fix them in the development environment before redeploying them to the test environment for testing and validation.
  • When testing is finished, just publishing the revised image to the production environment will apply the patch to the AutoPi TMU devices.


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